Apr 2, 2018 | Personal, Posts, Travel, Vietnam
When our bus crossed over the Vietnamese border into Cambodia, I asked my new friends, “can I go back to Vietnam now?” In that moment, getting punched in the balls by an 8-year old girl was a very distant memory. That moment was buried among so many incredible,...
Mar 27, 2018 | Posts, Travel, United Kingdom, Video, Youtube
On Sunday, February 12th, 2017, an incredibly drunk man in Scotland thought he could use a cop car as a taxi. This story took place outside The Alexander Graham Bell Wetherspoon Freehouse, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Below is the transcript of the video. Not knowing...
Mar 20, 2018 | Malaysia, Posts, Singapore, Travel, Travel Tips, Video
Below is the full transcript of the video with links to more information, including maps to find many of the locations in the video. Enjoy my 10-day tour of West Malaysia and Singapore! Day 1 Welcome to my next adventure! We’re going to start on the island of Penang...
Sep 28, 2017 | Gallery, Posts, Thailand, Travel
russians, north path, south path, trash, waves are good, crabs, more crabs, near patong, food and beverage at the top, sometimes at the bottom, shelter, not many people, save money (find an example online about the price with a boat vs 200...
Jul 9, 2017 | Malaysia, Posts, Singapore, Travel
While I’ve had a great time so far in Malaysia, I’ve decided that I can’t spend all 40 days of my time here in Penang. It’s time to explore life beyond this little SE Asian island and start a second awesome tour! Do you remember that awesome,...