
Bread Sugar Walk: An easy way to improve your overall health

If you're like 73% of Americans, you're overweight, obese, or severely obese. Still, even if you're not in that majority, at some point in your life, you've almost certainly tried and failed to improve your diet or routinely exercise. Me, too! That is, until I...
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19 pictures of American flags in Iran… and United States military merchandise, too!

You wouldn't expect to see too many American flags in Iran, would you? Well, the truth is, there are a lot of them. Surprisingly, many of them are seen in a positive light! And they're all out in the open, not hidden in some dark alley. As you scroll through the first...
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Iran Road Trip: One American, One Iranian, & Our 6,400km Adventure!

In September and October of 2019, I went with my Iranian friend, Soroush, on a month-long Iran road trip which spanned 6,400 kilometers (nearly 4,000 miles). Looking back, that month was perhaps the most emotional, unforgettable, and educational experience of my...
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The hijab in Iran: 5 stories from the inside

All women are forced to wear a hijab in Iran, including female tourists. As a pro-liberty American, I witnessed the effects of dress code laws while visiting Iran for a month. At times I saw the effortless regularity of women reluctantly covering themselves. At other...

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The truth about the Iran currency exchange rate

The Iran government doesn't publicly announce the real Iran currency exchange rate. Instead, while traveling in Iran, I found the local currency exchange businesses to be the real trustworthy sources. My first experience with the tricky exchange rate happened while I...

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The most important Vietnamese words and phrases I learned

Altogether, I visited North, South, and Central Vietnam a combined five times for a total of 14 months. Along the way, I learned a handful of Vietnamese words and phrases. Thanks for letting me teach you a bit today! Before we begin, two important notes: Pronunciation...

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